I’m Penny Hess, Chair of the African People’s Solidarity Committee, the organization of white people, formed by the African People’s Socialist Party and working directly under their leadership.
I want to salute our leadership, Chairman Omali Yeshitela.
The African People’s Socialist Party is the organization, based all around the world, working for the total liberation of Africa and African people, wherever they have been forcibly dispersed around the world, the return of their stolen resources, and control of their land, their destiny and their resources from Africa.
This is an incredible organization. They formed the African People’s Solidarity Committee 44 years ago. We have been out there with a mandate from them to go behind the enemy lines, to be the voice of black power in white face. To go into the white community understanding that all white people sit on this pedestal of the oppression of African people.
The only reason that we have prosperity and access to jobs and colleges and social wealth and even the experience of democracy is because we sit on a pedestal of the colonial domination of African people—their stolen wealth, they were stolen as human beings, turned into commodities. The entire so-called trade in African human beings created the startup wealth of capitalism and of this system.
We sit on this pedestal, so there’s no way that we can lead this struggle. We must be under the leadership of the African Revolution, which is what this is about.
And we must understand that we are the colonizers. It’s not enough to say that it’s a problem of racism. It’s more than just the ideas in our heads. It’s a political system, a colonial state. That’s what killed George Floyd, the colonial State. And it’s not an aberration. The State kills African people every single day in this country. It’s happening right now, even as we speak.
The fact is that African workers rose up in an incredible rebellion and resistance that was so powerful and ripped this country wide open, getting down to the deepest question, the enslavement of African people, the theft of the land of the Indigenous people and the fact that all white people must begin to come to this reality and take responsibility.
It’s not enough to march. We must pay reparations. We must carry out a strategy that is under the leadership of African people organizing to be free once and for all.
This can’t continue to go on. U.S. imperialism, this parasitic system can’t be reformed. It must be a new world. A world without the oppressors and the oppressed, in which all human beings can be free and liberated, led by the African working class organization, the African People’s Socialist Party.
But we want to talk about this more.
We are celebrating the 44th anniversary of the African People’s Solidarity Committee on Wednesday, September 30th at 6pm Central.
Register for this special LIVE web event at TinyURL.com/APSC44.
Help spread the word by sharing the Facebook Event!
Come on board! Let’s talk about what it means for white people to be under the leadership of the strategy for African liberation. Create a new world. Be part of reparations to African people which is in our interest. It’s what our assignment is in the whole transformation of this planet.
Penny Hess is Chair of the African People’s Solidarity Committee and author of the book Overturning the Culture of Violence. She is also Editor of the White Solidarity with Black Power column that appears in The Burning Spear newspaper.