If you’re not able to travel to Florida for the “Unity Through Reparations” 2018 APSC National Conference, organize a viewing party of the live broadcast!
Here are the steps to organize your viewing party:
- Set the date and time
We recommend Sunday, January 7, from 9:30am to at least 3:30pm so that your group can participate in the reparations appeal. If you can go through the rest of the day’s program that ends at 8:30pm, that would be excellent.
- Find and secure a venue
- Set a fundraising goal
- Ideally, win 2 other people to join your viewing party organizing committee to fill roles of:
- Social Media Coordinator
- Info & Ed Coordinator
- Phonebanking Coordinator
- Treasurer
- Promote your event [Sample content for online promotions]
- Create an EventBrite event so people can register to attend
- Create a Facebook Event
- Create and send an email invitation and reminders
- Post to online calendars (Evensi, etc.)
- Phonebanking
- Create and distribute leaflets [SAMPLE LEAFLET]
- Plan your Viewing Party Fundraising Appeal
- Follow up with attendees after the event